What is That in Thine Hand?

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/23/2025

How to Earn Rewards in Heaven – Part 1

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/23/2025

That Which Doth Cost Me Nothing

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/16/2025

Lessons From the Philippines Missions Trip 2025

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/09/2025

World Missions

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/09/2025

The Story of Adam & Eve (VBC’s Family Fun Night)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/23/2025

How to Build Friendships in Church

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/09/2025

A Psalmist’s Guide to Loving God’s House

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/09/2025

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Creation Story (VBC’s Family Fun Night)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/26/2025

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Our Vision for the VBC Children’s and Youth Ministry

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/19/2025

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Leading Like a Shepherd: A Pastor’s Guide to Effective Ministry

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/19/2025

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Striking the Right Balance in the Christian Life

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/05/2025

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Should Women Wear Pants?

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/12/2025

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Here We Grow Again!

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/29/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Time to Make a Change

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/29/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Don’t Let People Pull You Away From the Things of God

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/15/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Give Thyself Wholly to Them

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/08/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Break Up the Fallow Ground

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/01/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Not Valuing What We Have Until We’ve Lost It!

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/24/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Balancing Bonding and Boundaries

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/17/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Establishing a Christian Home

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/10/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

What To Do When You’ve Suffered a Setback

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/10/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Tithe Challenge

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/06/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

How to Be Mightily Used of God

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/25/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training


Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/16/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Seven Principles for Young People

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/31/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Why You Should Not Be Talking or On Your Phone During Preaching

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/07/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Who Slew All These?

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/07/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Shall Your Brethren Go to War, and Shall Ye Sit Here?

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 05/15/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Veracity of the Resurrection

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/31/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Delusion of Success

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/06/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Every Valley Shall Be Exalted

Pastor Steven Anderson | 03/06/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Where There Is No Vision

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/25/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

On The Brink! (Last service in our old building)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/21/2024

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Where We Go From Here: Things VBC Would Like to Accomplish in 2024

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/31/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

High Performace Principles

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/31/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

WORK (Part 2)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/19/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

WORK (Part 1)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/19/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Missions in the United Kingdom

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/11/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Building and Battling

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/12/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Cloak and Dagger: The Espionage of Ehud

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/01/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Rebuke Not an Elder

Pastor Aaron Thompson | 09/17/2023

Though Thou Knewest All This

The Ordination Charge (Ordination of Pastor Matthew Stucky)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 09/17/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

A New IFB Strategy of Sending Missionaries and Church Planting

Evangelist Matthew Stucky | 09/13/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Pain of a Pastor

Evangelist Matthew Stucky | 09/10/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

That All the Earth May Know

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 09/10/2023

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Why the NEW IFB is Not a Cult

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/30/2023

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Can These Bones Live?

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/27/2023

Bad Counsel

Pastor Jared Pozarnsky | 08/27/2023

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Doing Things, the Right Way

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/13/2023

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Biblical Illustrations for a Church

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/28/2023

Though Thou Knewest All This

Guard Godly Families

Pastor Oscar Bougardt | 07/26/2023

Though Thou Knewest All This

Preparing for the Red Hot Preaching Conference

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/16/2023

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Self Leadership

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/05/2023

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

The Learning Cycle

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 06/04/2023

Though Thou Knewest All This

The Theology of the Bible

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 05/27/2023

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

A High View of God

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 05/18/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Origins of Man

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 04/30/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

“Do It Again, Lord!”

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/19/2023

Preparing for the Next Generation Youth Rally

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/05/2023

The Church Attendance Challenge

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/12/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

The Needs of the New IFB

Deacon Corbin Ressl | 01/25/2023

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Spiritual Lessons from Survival Training

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/23/2022

Though Thou Knewest All This

Though Thou Knewest All This

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/06/2022

Why I Will Kick You Out of Church for Smoking Weed

Why I Will Kick You Out of Church for Smoking Weed

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 09/25/2022

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Ingredients for a Great Church (Lessons from the Queen of Sheba)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/28/2022

The Cries from Hell

Never Back Down

Pastor Oscar Bougardt | 07/20/2022

The Cries from Hell

The Cries from Hell

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/06/2022

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Why People Quit Church and How to Avoid it!

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/23/2022

Why I Will Kick You Out of Church for Smoking Weed

Build Your Life on the Bible

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/12/2021

Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween

Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/31/2021

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Atrophy in the Christian Life

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 09/03/2021

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Hold Fast (Ordination of Pastor Jared Pozarnsky)

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/21/2021

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Paul’s Island Adventure

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 06/06/2021

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Call of the Unsaved

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 04/29/2021

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

How to Treat Your Pastor

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/21/2021

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

How to Treat Your Pastor’s Wife

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/17/2021

How Pastor Jimenez Met His Wife

Why We Are a Family Integrated Church

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/29/2020

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

The Working Church

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/30/2020

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

In It for the Long Haul

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/23/2020

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

How to Be a Great Church Member

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/05/2020

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Slippery Slope of Sin

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/23/2020

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Things Christians Should Beware in Hawaii

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 12/07/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

How to Get the Most Out of Your Family Integrated Church

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/27/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

What Successful Leaders Do

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/11/2019

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Make America Straight, Sane & Safe Again

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 09/14/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Sins of Sympathizers

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/30/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

There was Come a Man to Seek the Welfare of the People

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/25/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Paradise Lost

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 06/09/2019

How Pastor Jimenez Met His Wife

How Pastor Jimenez Met His Wife

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 06/05/2019

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

How Logic Proves Eternal Security

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 05/16/2019

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Lessons from the Rich Man in Hell

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 04/04/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Paradoxes in Scripture

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 03/29/2019

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

The Art of Being a Good Follower

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/26/2019

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

The Types of Members a New Church Needs

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/23/2019

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Problems to Expect in the Missions Field

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 01/20/2019

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Haters Gonna Hate

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/16/2018

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/31/2018

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

How to Be a Prophet of the LORD Besides

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 02/22/2018

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Millennium

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/01/2017

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, and the Abomination of Desolation

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/03/2017

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

A Call to Forsake All

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 08/06/2017

Exposing the Occult and Witchcraft

Making a Deal With the Devil

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 09/03/2016

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Love Hates

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 07/31/2016

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 06/12/2016

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

Why will God Allow the Great Tribulation?

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 11/19/2015

The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting

The Storms of Life

Pastor Roger Jimenez | 10/09/2012

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